Moving Forward by Looking Backward
I have been studying to become a Spiritual Mentor. It has been quite the journey for me. I have learned more about Divine, but also about myself and others.
There is a great reflection exercise I have learned called the Examen or the Ignatian Examen. It an exercise that was suggested by Ignatius Loyola. He saw it as a gift from God. It is a practice that helps us understand how God or Divine is in our daily life experience.
The Examen is practiced as follows:
1. Reflect and be thankful for that has gone well in your life.
2. Speak to Spirit and ask for help to be led to review your day.
3. Then review your day.
4. Be aware of any shortcomings that have occurred by you and to you.
5. Decide to live tomorrow differently.
The Examen can be practiced twice a day, at lunch and before going to bed. Or if it simpler to practice only once a day then do so.
This practice has helped me to understand more and arrive to a deeper realization that Divine is always there working to guide and help.
I suggested in my newsletter that everyone should reflect on the year as it comes to an end and prepare for the upcoming year. The Examen could be used for this as well.
There are times we may feel alone or as if the world is against us, however if we practice the Examen we could come to a deeper awareness and realization that all is not lost and we are very capable of dealing with the ups and downs of life.
We are a beautiful people in a world that is constantly changing and evolving.
Blessings to all! I hope this holiday season provides love, peace and healing and the New Year is full of wonder and new growth!
In peace