The Law of Divine Oneness
We are all expressions of this source. It may appear that things or even we ourselves are diverse, however this is really not so. All things are interconnected. Think about it. For example, a book. It begins with a tree to make paper for the book, but where does the tree begin, it begins by being a seed that grows in the earth that needs the water, sun, earth and wind. The wind blows the seedlings from a tree to fall somewhere on the earth to begin to grow. Over time with rain and sun, the seed grows into a tree. Where did the seed come from? What are your thoughts on that? How does the end product, the book, come to its final stage? After the final stage of being published and shelved for purchase or perhaps sold online what are all those connections about?
Think of all the actions, no matter how tiny impact the creation of the final product, but also the selling of the item. It may land in a library or even be translated if popular enough. What about the design of the cover or pictures within the book?
What about the subject matter of the book? That also will affect us. It could affect us emotionally or it could be a book that provides humour or a book that offers facts which provides us with knowledge.
The law also means that Divine is a reflection in everything. If Divine is in everything then we should demonstrate respect towards each other and towards other living forms.
This law is one that encourages compassion, love and understanding. It promotes harmony, respect, compassion and empathy. Being of service to others is being of service to yourself. Be mindful of all the oneness in the world and in doing so you will be able to manifest.
In peace, Rho