Reiki Treatments

Reiki is a Japanese technique to reduce stress and help provide relaxation. It is conducted by laying on hands and letting the "life force energy" move through us. When the life energy force flowing through us is low then we experience stress and can become sick and when the life energy force is high then we are happier and healthier.

The word Reiki is comprised of two words. Rei means God's Wisdom or the Higher Power and Ki is the life energy force. As such, Reiki means spiritually guided life force.

A treatment can have beneficial effects that include feeling relaxed and peaceful. It is a natural and gentle method to channel energy through the body.

Treatments are 45 minutes long with additional 15 minutes to help settle the energy, questions, etc. As such, treatments last 60 minutes in total.

Treatments can occur through distance healing as well.

If you are interested in taking a Reiki course, I offer Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2 or the Reiki Master Course - please inquire. I only teach one-on-one due to the size of my room.

If interested in a treatment or in taking a course please inquire at

* DISCLAIMER: Individuals results may vary from client to client, and results / stories are not intended to promote services or products and is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any diseases.

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